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This time, there were about double the quantity of evangelists. The setting was altogether different, for the present a lovely assembly hall had been built for holding quiet times. There before us were in excess of 2,000 awesome full-time preachers on edge to hear the messages we would bring to them at Christmastime. Since the setting was unique and required a progressively formal methodology, we chose the message from Matthew and Luke of the introduction of the Savior.

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We chose to remain and have Christmas supper with the entirety of the preachers. We needed to spread ourselves around them, so every one of us, including the grandkids, sat at an alternate table with these incredible youngsters and ladies and the couples. Discussions, obviously, revolved around being endlessly from home and recalling Christmas conventions. We learned of the exercises their folks had instructed to set them up for being full-time teachers and pronouncing the message of the reestablished gospel to the people groups of the world. It was a magnificent encounter, one we'll always remember.

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The topic we attempted to convey into the setting with the teachers was family conventions you can convey with you in the field. We attempted to accentuate those fundamental qualities they would have the option to instruct their examiners from their very own understanding of living in a Latter-day Saint homeÑthe estimations of family petition, family sacred writing study, family home nighttimes, counsel with fathers and moms, etc. 

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As you would anticipate from prophets, soothsayers, and revelators, they composed predicting the Christmas Day toward the finish of 1941 and every one of the Christmases that would pursue until the Savior returns again to bring flawless harmony:

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At that point, another image returned to me as I remained in the day off. In those rooms presently obscured I recollected a Sunday morning. My mom was playing the piano for the dozen Latter-day Saints who assembled there from miles around to love with the Princeton Branch. Among the psalms of the Restoration they doubtlessly probably sung that day were the expressions of a youngster's supplication: "And remain by my support till morning is near." 

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Maybe as a result of the falling day off, could find in my mind the rooms as they were in the Christmas of 1941. I could see the finished Christmas tree in the lounge room. At that point came the memory of my mom quietly grinning as she fixed our endeavors to balance tinsel from the parts of the pine tree. That brought back my sentiments of her caring benevolence.

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I saw in the snow what had all the earmarks of being green leaves of a bramble beside the house. As a young man, I had given my mom a hydrangea plant for her birthday. That was where she and I had planted it, by a downspout, with the goal that it would be watered in the late spring downpours. Its blue blooms had satisfied my mom so much that she referenced to me her sentiment of misfortune to desert it when years after the fact we sold the house and moved away to go toward the west. We had been gone 64 years, so those green leaves in the snow were just a trigger of a glad memory.